Tutorial istal AdSense in New Blogger

Tutorial istal AdSense in New Blogger
Saturday 23 January 2010
This tutorial applies to you who already have a Google Adsense account. To which yet, please to register with Google Adsense button in the sidebar to the right (Generate revenue from your site with AdSense), to read How do I register a Google AdSense Code.
1. Sign in to blogger, select the blog that will be inserted his AdSense ads, click Layout.

2. Add a new element in your blog, do click on the link Add a page element. Select the AdSense look like this:

3. Click Format and Color to replace AdSense model and size and to see the results seen in the van, if it is appropriate click SAVE CHANGES.

If the position does not quite fit drag to move the page element to another place, the position may be in the sidebar Andsense, should the footer, not the top / bottom post or in the middle of posting it's up to you.
Good luck

  1. wah mudh ternyata toinggal add gadget saja
    makasih ya kang

  2. mantaf nih ... pakar adsense beraksi lagi jangan lupa kalo dah banyak $$ transfer yah ..

  3. tapi saya pernah coba kok tetepgak bisa ya sob, mohon pencerahanya. terima kasih atas sharenya sobat.. di tunggu ya ?

  4. boleh juga nih artikelnya sob,

  5. mantap, ada tips yang lai sob mengenai adsense blog????

  6. lom punya ads google mas, lom dapet restu google xixixixi...

  7. wah ini sih udah tahu nih mas tapi nice share deh oh iya kok istal sih INSTAL KALE mas :)

  8. nice blog
    leave comment to my blog!! oke!!

  9. oke sob berrti sdh ada menunya nih tanks sob....jangan lupa jitak en coment balik ya sob

  10. Nice post... :D
    Kalo uda siap dicba dech.. hehe

  11. wah keren, ntar dech di coba, hehehehehe
    tapi belum ngarti, heheeh

  12. o kayak gitu pa??? caranya kok dulu aku susah banget je he..he..

  13. makin praktis aja neh...
