AdSense for feeds now available directly in Blogger

AdSense for feeds now available directly in Blogger
Sunday 1 November 2009
One of the things our publishers have always asked for are ways to make it even easer to configure their blogs to work with FeedBurner and AdSense for Feeds. We're happy to announce that Blogger users, with just a few clicks, are able to do both at the same time.

Yes, this year for Halloween, AdSense for feeds is putting on a Blogger costume and allowing all Blogger publishers to easily monetize your RSS and Atom feeds directly from the Blogger interface, in the same way you set up AdSense on your blog beforehand.

To set this up, go to Blogger and select the blog you wish to monetize on your Blogger Dashboard, and select "Monetize." This will give you some basic options for configuring ads, and if you already have connected your Blogger feed to FeedBurner, will confirm that the proper feed is being configured. AdSense for feeds will automatically pick the right ad sizes for your users, content, and end medium.

After setup, you will be able to view your AdSense reports (including feed revenue) directly from the Blogger Dashboard, as well as from your AdSense account. Additional feed management options for your feed and feed analytics will be available from
on my blog what is active on the blog you're active ads feeds

  1. wah.... ladang $$$$ lagi nih.....
    mantab deh bro.... i like it..

  2. mas udin..ajarin deh buat google adsense...udah 2 kali aku gagal buat akaun adsense tho :(

  3. terima kasih tutorialnya mas :D

  4. wah nais info kang, saya baru tahu soalnya

  5. nice sharing kang,, wah info mantabh nich,,

  6. Terimakasih banyak ilmu dan pengetahuannya sobat

  7. terus berkarya untuk kita semua

  8. Ga is the best ads to monetize

  9. coba dulu sob aku..mantab..komen d tmptku yach

  10. info yg keren sob
    keep sahrng ya

  11. sayang dakyu ndak punya akun adsense hehehe

  12. sayang Qw jg g pny akun adsense, susah banget daftarnya dan ribet banget kayaknya yach.....!!!

  13. mantap mas artikelnya...lam kenal..

  14. makasih mas atas infonya... jngan lupa kunjungi artikel asal2lanq jg ya...klik disini

  15. oke sob udah aku pasang bannernya knapa diganti sob??
